
Collect feedback from your class with Open Question

February 21, 2024
0 minutes

We're excited to introduce Open Question, a new Gynzy feature available now!

Open Question enables you to increase engagement by asking questions to students and collecting immediate feedback displayed on the interactive whiteboard. 

Open question

How can you use Open Question?

Asking an open question to students can be useful in many scenarios throughout the day.

(Answers appear anonymous unless you choose to reveal names.)

Students with device

Here are some ideas to get started:

1) Test prior knowledge

Ask a question at the beginning of a lesson.

You'll discover what students already know about a subject, so you can better tailor lesson content to the collective knowledge in the classroom.

2) Assess understanding

During a lesson, try asking an open question to gauge students' understanding in real time.

This can be a helpful way to check if the material has been understood and if further explanation is needed.

Gynzy open question tool interface

3) Test knowledge after a lesson

Asking an open question at the end of your lesson can be an effective way to evaluate how well students have absorbed the content presented.

4) Start class discussions

Share perspectives and exchange views on any topic!

An open question can be an encouraging way for students to share their thoughts and ideas in a group setting.

Gynzy open question student responses

5) Start or end the school day

Gauge how students are feeling with questions about what they’re looking forward to that day, what they learned, or what they found to be challenging.

Try Gynzy


Feedback is welcome!

Do you have suggestions for improvements, or are you using Open Question in other ways?

Let us know via the Gynzy Support chat or!

About the author Michael Lambarena
Michael is a language enthusiast whose favorite Gynzy content includes letter formation and handwriting practice lessons. Fun fact: he won his elementary spelling competition with the word ‘Galilean’!

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