Use glossaries/dictionaries to check definitions

Use glossaries/dictionaries to check definitions

I can use a glossary to learn about a word.

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Use glossaries/dictionaries to check definitions

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In this lesson, students will learn how to use glossaries to learn about words. They will learn about the information glossaries can give them. They will also use glossaries to answer questions about short passages.



Learning objective

Students will be able to use a glossary to learn about a word.


Students will think about discuss times they may have had questions about words. They might want to know how to say it, the definition, what it looks like, and how it can be used in a sentence. Explain why it is important to know how to use glossaries.


Explain where to find glossaries. Students will be introduced to the concept of glossary entries and look at an example with the word hare. They will see that a glossary entry may include information about the pronunciation and spelling, meaning, part of speech, and how the word is used in a sentence. Explain to students that glossaries organize words in A-B-C order. Students will do a quick exercise putting words in alphabetical order.

Next, students will learn how to use guide words to help them find an entry quickly. They will also do a quick exercise putting words in alphabetical order in between the words, "cat" and "elephant." Students will do a series of activities answering questions about glossary entries, such as, "How many syllables does tornado have?" They will also learn how to find words in a passage that direct to a glossary. They will see that one glossary entry can direct them to another one.


Students will respond to ten multiple-choice and true/false questions.


Students will recall how glossaries can help them learn about words. They will explore a glossary and find words that start with certain letters.

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