Long and short vowels for one-syllable words

Long and short vowels for one-syllable words

I can tell the difference between long and short vowels in one-syllable words.

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Long and short vowels for one-syllable words

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Practice vowel sounds with your students using this lesson about long and short vowel sounds in one-syllable words. Students will categorize words like “act,” “bug,” and “tip,” and practice finding words in books and sorting them correctly.



Learning objective

Students will be able to distinguish between long and short vowels when reading regularly spelled one-syllable words.


The lesson begins by reviewing syllables. Students will learn that syllables are like “beats” of a word and practice reading one-syllable words like “dog, “tree,” and “run.” Then students learn about long and short vowels. When a vowel sounds like its name, it is a long vowel. Short vowel sounds do not sound like their names.


Students will practice identifying long and short vowels for each vowel sound by dragging words into categories. They will also circle, underline, and highlight to indicate short or long vowel sounds within words. Words are accompanied by images to help students when reading these words.


To check understanding and practice differentiating between long and short vowels in one syllable words, students respond to 10 questions.


At the end of the lesson, students will refer to a book or story found in their classrooms. They will search their books for short-vowel words and long-vowel words. After this, they will share with the class to create a list of words.

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