Logically ordered reasons supported by facts and details

Logically ordered reasons supported by facts and details

I can organize reasons supported by facts and details in order.

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Logically ordered reasons supported by facts and details

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In this lesson, students will learn how to logically organize reasons in their opinion writing. They will practice with two arguments to order the given reasons and state their reasoning. They will then write their own opinion piece.



Learning objective

Students will be able to organize reasons supported by facts and details in an order that makes sense.


Students will discuss their opinion on whether teachers should give homework assignments. They will also discuss how they decide the order of the reasons they shared. They will look at an example of an organized argument for the prompt.


Students will read an opinion and drag reasons to support it. They will do this for two opinions: "Cell phones are a vital part of everyone's life" and "Recess is an important part of elementary." After each topic, students will discuss the evidence writers could use to support these reasons.


Review how to logically order facts and details with 10 questions.


Have students recall what they learned. They will then write a short opinion piece to work on ordering their reasons for the topic: "Should students get paid for good grades?" Then they will discuss their writing with a partner. Students can use sources listed on Slide 12 to support their reasons (scroll down).

Instruction materials

- Possible sources for closing activity can be found on Slide 12 (scroll down).

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