Isolate and pronounce sounds in single-syllable words

Isolate and pronounce sounds in single-syllable words

I can isolate and pronounce sounds in single syllable words.

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Isolate and pronounce sounds in single-syllable words

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This lesson will help students learn how isolate and identify individual sounds in single-syllable words.



Learning objective

Students will be able to isolate and pronounce sounds in single-syllable words.


Review the concept of syllables for words like "zebra" and elephant.


As a class, students will learn the initial, medial, and final sounds in words, like "pig" and "jet." They will do a series of activities to isolate sounds in single-syllable words. These activities include: filling in missing letters in words, sorting words based on their sounds, drawing X's for each phoneme they hear, and circling different sounds in words.


Review the lesson concepts with 10 questions on identifying and isolating sounds in single-syllable words. Students will listen to words or look at pictures that represent words to identify sounds.


Students will review what they learned by adding the correct vowels to words to correspond with the pictures..

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