Identify sensory details

Identify sensory details

I can identify sensory details in a text.

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Identify sensory details

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In this lesson, students will learn how to identify sensory details. They will do a series of activities, including identifying sensory details in passages and sorting sensory detail words.



Learning objective

Students will be able to identify sensory details in a text.


Students will review the five senses.


They will look at a picture of a campfire and discuss what they might see, smell, taste, touch, and hear if they were at this campfire? They will read a passage about characters June and David on a camping trip. They will name how the passage appeals to the five senses. Next, they will turn and talk to a neighbor and describe how a passage about Jimm and Kamil visiting the pet store appeals to the five senses. Students will also take a look at some examples of key words in passages that can help them identify sensory details. For example, the words, "bitter" and "creamy" can show tell about taste. Students will sort sensory detail words by the sense to which they appeal.


Students will answer ten questions which check their understanding of the key concepts of the lesson.


Students will recall:
- What are sensory details?
- Why are they important?

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Gynzy is an online teaching platform for interactive whiteboards and displays in schools.

With a focus on elementary education, Gynzy’s Whiteboard, digital tools, and activities make it easy for teachers to save time building lessons, increase student engagement, and make classroom management more efficient.

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