Explain the meaning of similes and metaphors in context

Explain the meaning of similes and metaphors in context

I can explain the meaning of similes and metaphors in context.

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Explain the meaning of similes and metaphors in context

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Similes and metaphors are used very often in English, even if we are not always aware of it. A simile is a comparison using like or as, while a metaphor is more direct and uses a word like is or were. Understanding these two rhetorical tools will improve students writing composition and reading comprehension. Particular attention is paid to how readers can gain contextual information from the use of similes and metaphors.

Common core standard(s)



Similes and metaphors are a common way to add variety to one's writing or speech.


By the end of this lesson, will be able to identify and distinguish between similes and metaphors.

Guided practice

The 13th slide contains a fun spin-the-wheel activity which gives students a fun and random subject to create a simile or metaphor about. Encourage students to share their creations!


At the end of this lesson, students are asked to reflect on what similes and metaphors are, and how context can give readers clues about what those rhetorical devices mean.

Teaching tips

Encourage students to share the similes or metaphors they come up with for the prompts included in this lesson.

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