Decode two-syllable words

Decode two-syllable words

I can separate a word into syllables to decode it.

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Decode two-syllable words

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In this lesson, students will learn how to decode two-syllable words by splitting the words and using strategies like V/CV and VC/CV patterns.



Learning objective

Students will be able to separate a word into syllables sot decode it.


Students will review syllables and look at examples of one-syllable words, such as "clap." They will also read examples of two-syllable words, like "soccer." They will compare a one-syllable word ("world") to a two-syllable word ("apple"). discuss why it is important to be able to decode two-syllable words.


Students will help Mr. Squirrel chunk each two-syllable word, like "silent" and "final." Introduce the V/CV pattern to help students decode two-syllable words. Divide before the consonant if the first vowel is a long sound (e.g., "Fre/quent"). Students will practice this trick. Introduce another pattern, VC/CV, to students. Show them the example, "Rab/bit." Have students practice the VC/CV pattern.

Next, students will practice splitting more two-syllable words. They will also clap each word.


Students will respond to ten questions in which they practice separating words into syllables and determining how many syllables a given word has.


Students will recall what they learned:
- What are some tips to help you decode two-syllable words?
- How do you think being able to decode two-syllable words will help you?

As a class, students will think of as many two-syllable words as they can in five minutes!

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