Behavior between parents & offspring that help offspring survive

Behavior between parents & offspring that help offspring survive

I can describe the behavior between parents and offspring that help offspring.

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Behavior between parents & offspring that help offspring survive

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In this lesson, students will learn the patterns of behavior between animal parents and their offspring. Students will analyze photographs and videos and make observations about adult animals and offspring behaviors in order to describe how parents help their offspring survive.



Learning objective

Students will be able to describe the behavior between parents and offspring that help offspring survive.


Students will discuss the following question: How do animals care for their babies? How do parents make sure their babies survive in the wild? They will be asked to share examples to support their thinking.


The lesson will teach students about typical signal and response behavior between animal parents and their offspring. Students will observe patterns of behavior (signals and responses) that are used to help offspring survive. They will explore typical offspring signal behaviors (crying, chirping, vocalizing) and parent responses(feeding, comforting, protecting). Students will jot down their observations after watching videos of birds, lions, and orangutans interacting with their offspring. Students will look at several different examples of parent and offspring behavior and answer questions to show their understanding. Then, they will complete a sorting activity to demonstrate their understanding of parent and offspring survival behaviors.


Students will respond to 10 questions including 6 true/false, 3 multiple-choice, and 1 open-ended.


Students will draw a picture of parents and offspring animal pairs showing behaviors using labels or descriptions. They can choose an animal adult/young pair, from the given examples, or use an example they may have from prior knowledge.

Teaching tips

Allow students to take notes using a t-chart during the lesson. You may also have students keep a journal with pictures of the animals where they can record their observations about their behaviors.

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